Thursday, October 28, 2010

Miss Nelina Special Rumour

“I heard you were engaged”
a friend shouts in surprise
and caught Miss Nelina
render speechless and hilarious laugh

a year a past
come another surprise
“is she getting married?”
A friend of a friend had asked
And the friend narrates to nelina
this time a bigger jovial ha-ha

Become quite a rumour
To some special gossiper

Would it be “she pregnant?”
Nelina waits till next year
To see the rumour appear
And have another giggle
The series of ridicule tale


Jelita78 said...

oh tak paham.. tak paham..
citer balik..
sape nelina ni?
aku kenal ke?

farha said...

hahaha..aku rase aku faham.. aku faham! hahahaha

Gya said...

ni rekaan je aida :)
farah...ko faham sorang2 sudah la :p