Thursday, January 15, 2009

a cake from mama

i did mention that my mom kirim sponge cake for my birthday in previous entry although it triggered to me that my adik could by one here in kl. mama said nanti cair.

rupa-rupanya, mama did pass the money to ika to buy me cake, but she only bought it yesterday sbb semalamnya dia tak tau nak beli kat mana.

ika and aizad surprised me at the door with all those candles! bnyk plak rasanya candle tu hehe
the cake is more like choclate strawberry and so yummy!

it was a comforting surprise and knowing mama, dia mesti beli cake nye kalau dah ada org tolong belikan ekekeke...

of course i called her and thanked her and she said something like "nanti birthday mama, dapat cake lagi besar"
and i replied "tengok la...hihihi"


farha said...
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farha said...

so sweet... aku dah 9 tahun tak merasa makan birthday cake sendiri since after finishing my SPM :(

Radhi Dahlan said...

So sweet, i wish i was there. Tapi dapat gak merasa kek tu. ekekke memang sedap pun..