Friday, December 5, 2008

3 in 1 story

hhmm..I think michael scofield dah gemuk skit.. that's why i didn't that excited while watching :p yeah..that's why. but prison break has its own 'charm'.
One of the episode, i learnt that even bad guys/prisoners have sense of respect to their other peer when one of the guy died. they're not actually close to each other and always argue but when their x-warden at fox river died, even T-bag was stunned. and i was impressed wih all the emotions these characters have.
Betul kot orang, bila benda da hilang, baru terasa.

i was so sleepy this morning that i decided coming late..but not that late, kul 9.10 sampai office.
i slept late for the rest of this week that i believe my ngantuk accumulate and therefore could not get up this morning hehe..penat terkumpul and tonight..

nak balik muar. sejak lepas raya, aku tak balik wonder i miss muar that much hehe...
i even have plans what to do in muar!?!?! hahaha..let's see next week if my mission accomplish.

opie balik tak? anty gya windu la! ucuk ucuk iye... muahhs...kene tanya abang aku dia balik ke tak..


Cikitita said...

knock knock!!! teka sape saya? hehe...sudah laa nak sorok2 ...bluwekkkk!!!!!

Gya said...

cik ennie...takya la citer kat sini wakaka
cikitita cikititot! awak dah jumpa saya dah??? :)