Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oh Boy Oh Boy..

There is a boy I met through his writing or should I say blogging.. his writing is somewhat witty and he claimed to have porno element in his writing but I found him to have liking for cursing sometimes. But those porno or curses are just seasoning in blogging but his vocabulary is impressive, even I had to google the words sometimes :) His maturity is quite rare for 'man' kind and for his age, is another wonder. Truth to be told, he caught my attention.

His loves for books are so obvious and the authors of the books are usually the dead people. It’s funny that I have a feeling to actually want to meet a person like him. I mean, he is just a boy who I strongly sense at the age of 20 or 21, I deduce this based on his entries I read so far (what a superb gut-feeling I have :p)

I must admit, he has something that I want in a guy. Most guys I met lack of that very element or is it because I don’t talk too much to them to notice IT or is it because in writing you can think, but when it comes to conversing, it is something else. Or another way of saying it; can someone writing like that be the same when he speaks? What a reasonable doubt.


Jelita78 said...

sounds like i know this guy.
hmm.. link me up to his blog will ya?
he may not be as young as you think.. *wink*wink*

Jelita78 said...

and if we're talking about the same person, u are lucky indeed..
he's single!
jeng jeng jeng..

Gya said...

confirm dia budak yg single hehe