Wednesday, November 4, 2009

ntah la..

"Pesal ko senyap skrg?" i was quite speechless when one of my officemate asked me. i just replied "ko nak ceriakan aku ke?" :p

skit lagi, another colleague dtg, i asked him what PO abbreviated for..he said, purchase order. how about CD? he said laughingly... card distributor...kelako la ko gya.

i know the CD is not compact disc obviously, but i couldn't manage to figure it out that it was card distributor. somehow, he found it funny when i asked nonchalantly. agak2 mcm mana muka aku masa soal tu kan, because he found me kelakar :)

i admit that i am quite a quiet person lately, but not because i change. it's because my surrounding changes. so i am like a cameleon, reciprocates towards the environment.

if people around me talk less, why should i talk more? if people around me share less, why should i terhegeh2 nak share?

i'd given more than enough chances than i should have given, so when i drew the line, it was obvious that i was the one who always took the step of sharing, talking. At the end of the day, the air was silent, i had no heart whatsoever to share stories.

Sharing is for the one who shares too, not for someone taking advantages of friendship. me quite bermadah today :D

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