Monday, November 24, 2008

Double Meaning Syndrome

I always think differently from other people, not sure it’s a good thing or bad one. My first opinion always seem to be other people’s second opinion or sometimes not in the ‘opinion list’ at all. It’s ok to blurt out in front of my circle of friends since they know me that much but what if with others? I think they might think “takde kene mengena pun” @ “jauh nye pikir” @ “peliknya pikir” @ “biar betul budak ni?”and the quotes go on… :p

I did start a 'fight' unintentionally because of other people misinterpretation of what i emailed or might come out from my lipsy lips. Nearly gaduh but i quickly realised it was my 'double meaning' problem that cause the fight and usually i will say sorry and explain back again what i intentionally wanna say. turn out to be ok again once intepret correctly :)
in fact 2 significant fights solved..

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