Saturday, October 13, 2012

next sakit is sakit mata..

nama sakit mata tu 'pseudo membranous conjunctivitis' (mind the spelling...malas nak check ;p). somehow i survived the pain.. you name it.. anything to do with eye irritation, eye discomfort.. i got it all at one go - to the part which my iris was blurred due to the tear aka koyak. the eyes became very dry...i blinked so much. my best friend was the lubricant which of course apart from other steroid tear felt like you are so thirsty and you drink and drink but tak hilang haus pun...that is the similar case to my eyes...thirst of moisture.
i endured it for about 1 month and a half..


every now and then now...i got somewhat similar symptom as previous conjunctivitis..but due to many visits to the opthalmologist..i was diagnosed with dry eyes syndrome. it is a great relieve that it is not the psudo membraneous thingy, so no steroid.. but dry eyes are harmful too for long term.

from once a fortnight, jadi once a week, jadi 3 hari sekali mata jadi bengkak, merah, feel sandy-like inside the eyes, itchy yg plg power and burning... tak gile mata?

the irony is that.. doctor suggested masuk plug pulak dalam mata.. i managed to run from tube in the a plug in my eyes?!?! kalau boleh taknak la kan...isnt it ironic...a little too ironic ;p (know the song? haha)

so i studied anything to do with dry eyes and i decided to consume vitamins... major ones are the famous billbery, the second is omega-3 and GLA the third would be lutein,. i feel like i am a master dalam perihal mata sekarang :) ask me bebeh haha!

baru 2-3 hari makan ubat.. surprise ada juga improvement :) aku decide sendiri dose yg aku ambil.. i know my body better.. so aku ambil only for a short term... bila dah better or normal...i will just consume once a day..

1 comment:

farha said...

tajuk ko x bole blah... next sakit tu... xpe gya sakit dapat menghapuskan dosa.. see byk giler kot dosa ko da terhapus ;p ehem ehem...
take a gud care pls.