Monday, May 30, 2011

Hillary Swank swing it in Conviction

I watched a movie tonight. it is Conviction. I can add to one of my favourite movie that i dont think i will forget. it is a true story.

I remember that when i was in high school, i watched this movie under dunhill double slot... i did not remember the title, but i remember the storyline..still fresh in my mind. it is about a father who eventually got his son out of jail after several years or many years (that i cant recall ;p)trying very hard to prove his son innocent. when everybody believes his son is guilty, his the only one believes his son is innocent. his son is a drug addict, a thieve and all but when he told his father he is everything but a murderer....he believes all that. that's a father's day story. that movie still stand in my humanity movie category that bid all other true story i my personal view.

until tonight, Conviction shows the story of a sister who fight for his brother for 18 years to prove he's innocent. 18 years!! now that is a true story! while i watched the movie, my mind started to have this disbelief feeling that there is no way even a family member would do that for a sibling....she gone through a lot. i mean hell of a lot of crazy life. they kind of have each other from they were little til they both got married... they were like anak terbiar they love each other very much.

she visited his brother frequently and she had 2 boys till they got divorced, i guess due to her obsession to release his brother....
they were poor, so no public lawyer care much about a man who moderately bad...keluar masuk balai polis macam perkara biasa to him...

until, his sister decided to study law...that was when her husband disagreed and had enough and got for some few years...after gone through much of failing papers..she finally passed the bar exam...then the day has come...she's a lawyer....she became her brother's lawyer and tried to reopen the case.

In 1980s there's no DNA trial...From there, she went through a hassle looking for evidence that was claimed to be destroyed, because the evidence were 16 years old.(the law allow to destroy the evidence after 10 years) she kept calling and insisting and finally went to the evidence place and beg for another search. god is great. she got lucky her brother's evidence still there.

i basically think she sacrificed a lot....i dont think i would do that for my brother...i may do appeal...several times....but not study law and be the lawyer and fight for like 18 years...losing my i can do is visit and do as many appeals as i got the money....god i am sound evil. but my thinking is seconded by her sons when they said to her mother in a good way that she lost her whole life for this case...even if it is their uncle...they themselves wont think they would do til that far for each other...they would help, but not like their mother....well at least the sons think what i i am normal.

bravo act from hillary swank!

i would wonder, why is it that this kind of act always happen to mat salleh...they would go beyond everything for something even though they lose everything...they are tough people....i dont think melayu is that determined bila jail is involved...we may determined half way....i may not know any kind of that story terjadi for a malaysian....otherwise dah masuk paper... ;p

untuk cinta, ramai jek do this and that but untuk family...would you go through lautan api untuk direnangi?

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