Tuesday, January 19, 2010

dari JB ke Kuala Lumpur

what worse could happen when you ride a bus apart from accident?
tayar pancit, bas lambat, bas rosak.
well, i found a new one to add to the list. aircond rosak.
i rode a transnational bus plated number 1308.

the driver kept saying the aircond is not rosak but it is so obvious to the passengers that the air cond is rosak. ble tak dia cakap, kalau malam, sejuk..sampai penumpang suruh padam air cond, tp kalau tengah hari, panas skit...kalau hujan baru dia sejuk.

i mean, function air cond memberi kesejukan regardless of panas terik hujan badai right? so apsal lak ada senario kalau tengah hari, kalau malam bla bla

the passengers memang sweat la kan...mcm dkt padang pasir. blower panas je ada. air cond takde. end up our trip to kene bukak emergency rooftop for air ventilation.

big boss taknak bg back up bus sbb driver pegi ckp kat bos on the phone in front of us "tak, tak, air cond tak rosak. mcm biasa."

macam biasa??? come on! aku penah naik bus bnyk kali...i know aircond bus mcm mana.

penumpang mogok dekat macap taknak naik bus, tp solution takde. aku tanya driver, ape solution. dia kata kita tunggu penumpang yg taknak naik tadi tu nak naik ke tak. kalau dia tak nak naik, kita jalan.

!#>$">?!#@$>!#>$@!! what a crazy solution?!!? bodohnye jalan penyelesaian. padan la ko driver :(

after 1 hour waiting, we had no choice but to continue our hot sweating trip to kl.
ada la gak hujan renyai2 masa on da way, but hell mana ble hilang kan rasa panas.

everybody turun bas bila sampai muka masam. no thanks to the driver.

aku ada ckp kat pakcik tu " by right function air cond tak kira siang malam, at least ada rasa sejuk skit"

he replied "itu kata awak. air cond tak rosak."
obviously driver tak tau makna air cond walaupun da bwk setahun bas tu.

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