Friday, June 5, 2009

abang scofield..

betul ke abg scofield da mati? sedih....
i donno why that he will be alive if there is a new season..
prison break suka buat org da mati hidup i am hoping that michael scofield hidup balik...really hope.
being sarah, i feel that she is happy and content with a short life with scofield rather than being with the one you dont love or no love at all. she sure looks happy more than sad when they reunite at the cemetery. having a son together add up to her life in a few minutes i watched at the end of the episode.
kira sampai acting sarah kat aku :)

1 comment:

Radhi Dahlan said...

laaaaaaaaa....kok sedih! k radhi ingatkan sapa la...
kompem hidup balik! hero maaaaa...