Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What games did you play when you were young?

What i loved to play when i was young was non-teddy or barbie doll related.

i loved lego. it was number one favourite game :)

i played 'polis entry want to jaga, polis mati pencuri jaga' (btul ke? hehe) i bought the pistol know the darts and handcuffs or maybe, as my memory 'tells' me i bought 2 sets eheh..

Another one that i used to play with my siblings was shopping2. there would be customers buying things and there was a cashier to punch all the items, well sort of, i just punched the price and the resits came out. where did i get the cashier-alike? well, if you got a mother who worked for finance team, you got your hand on that mega-calculator easily :) and mama seemed to be happy to borrow it from office and let her children played mathematics with it hehe

One more game: main doktor-doktor

although i'm very much turned out to be blood-hater or blood-phobia community, i was so into syringe and stethoscope huhu :D siap ada nurse cap lg tu :p

ada lagi...all those dam aji, chess, snakes, saidina and sewaktu dengannya... :)

These fondness towards the games came from my heart. no influence from others. just lov it!

Another category of games was the games that had been brought home by my elder brother. It was like, whatever he played, we played.






6-main khemah2

guli, terup aku selalu kene beli because when he won the game, no returning back of the marbles and the cards. so he had a lot of it, from siblings and from his friends. every time i lost, i bought new one to replace the lost ones. mcm gambling lak or betting. hehe

we made paper car. we made paper ships.

we played the paper ships in the rain and by the time the rain stopped, the drains were left with shipwrecks ekekeke :p

mama would let us main hujan but the hujan would base on my mom judgement.

"ma, nak main hujan!"

she would look outside window and decide "ok, gi la mandi" yippie!
as long as there was no thunder, no lightning - main hujan was permitted.

i was quite attached with my elder brother in terms of playing games together, not just him, all of his frens...main layang2 dekat compound masjid la, ikut ala2 jungle trekking belakang tanjung ketapang la ( naik atas benteng or tembok, belah kiri mcm belukar skit, belah kanan laut ok!)

but mama would fetch me up at masjid and brought me home and i would be sad and not understand why i could not play when the boys can

"gya budak pompuan, diorang lelaki"

in my mind "so? nape takleh main"

of course la aku sorang je bdk pompuan, lain semua abg aku n kawan abg aku hehe

then, main khemah2..i remembered papa would call me and said "mana boleh tido dgn budak laki. gya pompuan"

walaupun yg tido tu abg and cousins aku yg laki2...

but when i was in high school, later in form 4, form 5, i thought i knew. the reason was : i am a girl. parents needed to take care the children differently if they were boys and girls..mcm paham2 sendiri je hehe

when i was in mmu, the feeling of how it feels to have teddy bears crawled into me.
then, i had teddy bears. first teddy or not that teddy is stich :D (beli sendiri ok..sbb teringin sgt haha :p)
then i got pooh bear and some other bear (ni gifts for birthday)
so i felt, oo...mcm ni ke rasanya.... oklah...not bad... :)
those teddies ada lagi ok...i am good at jaga barang. :)


jgn citer la..dari kucing, kura2, arnab, guinea pig, burung merpati, ikan la haha

i enjoyed a lot. nasib baik ada abang, kalau tak, tak merasa ada pet hehe

p/s last week sani n ito talked about how sani made panah and accidentally arrowed ito at the leg. supposed to be lidi arrow, but aerial tv jatuh and they made that metal ariel to be an arrow. so i think ito must be sakit giler masa kene panah.

i cant remember if i played sani's invented archery hhhmmm....

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