Monday, March 22, 2010

what box?

"can i see the box?" a little boy were asking...
"what box?" a stunned woman replied.
"actually i want to see inside the box," he added.
"even though i'm the owner of the box, i sometimes never know what's inside times, the box is times, it gives you answers. may not come on the instant, but may come ask several times, the answers may varies too." she smiled to the boy.
now the boy was stunned.
"i am asking about this box" as he pointed to the box.
"ohh" sheepishly she continued "of course."

and she was describing about the heart to him. poor thing.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

memang x best : very the under haha

smlm bila tgk wayang, aku ada 2 pilihan...solomon kane or under the mountain. walaupun aku nak tgk solomon kane, tp sbb smlm nak tgk yg ringan2 punya pasal, aku tgk la under the mountain.
my advice, cerita ni kategori 'jangan tengok'.
siap masa tgh tgk, aku boleh appreciate citer melayu yg tak berapa nak best, jd better dr citer under the mountain ni.
kualiti mcm zmn 90an, jln cerita tak leh lawan citer plg tak best, beneath still water rasa aku. itu mmg citer yg...

Monday, March 1, 2010

how easy our joy being ripped away by unhappiness

my happiness of getting rm450 in one of my handbag was quickly turn to despair when i found out quite a few minutes later that my HKD1580 was rotten by the anai2. BENCINYA!!
rupa-rupanya our rented apartment is dwelled by termite. lecehnya!
rugi aku beratus-ratus :( hhmm...